Photo Album Cover
make customizable front cover. Due to the growing demand for fully customizable
hardcover photo books, Misiland offers a wide variety of cost-effective, easy-to-
make hardcover books. The unique patent allows you to make your own photos to
be acrylic photo panel and then use it as front cover for an album. This undeniably
unique photo book set you apart from any competition.
Floating Display Custom Album Cover
The customizable acrylic photo panel is exserted to some extent after embedded
into the album cover, which brings the photos a suspension view. The light
refraction inside the acrylic panel makes the photo more stereoscopic. Ultra-glossy
acrylic panel and matte leather grain album cover make it into a perfect photo album.
An ideal application for Wedding Books, Anniversary Books, Photo Books,
Company Keepsakes, etc. Utilizing either your own or your customer’s design,
this hardcover photo book is a surely great option for any photo retailer
or gift retailer.
How to Create a Different Album Cover
It is an innovative photo album cover customization solution which
consists of high-transparency adhesive acrylic panel, printed photos
and embeddable hard album cover. The combination of the mentioned
three parts enables your photo albums more added value.
Use the laminator to mount
the printed photo to the
adhesive acrylic panel.
Stick the mounted
acrylic photo panel
onto the album cover.
Advanced Spine Design
Utilizes a revolutionary hot-melt glue
application which requires no additional
liquids, chemicals or applicable glue. Workable
with Misiland thermal binder PBM-220/110 as well as
multi models Unibind thermal binder. You can also extrude
the steel belt inside the spine part inwardly to further steady
the inside pages.
The album spine is workable with different thickness inside sheets from
10-35 pages. Low melting point hot-melt glue makes the whole binding
process finished within several minutes.
Workable with multiple binding systems.
Hot-melting glue is pre-implanted at the spine part,
workable with Unibind crimping thermal binding systems.
For those without glue in spine part could work with
Crimping Binding and Staple Binding systems.